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Wednesday, February 21, 2007


It seems like it may be here.... The sky is just a bit more blue, the clouds a little more puffy, the sun is actually shining, and every so often I hear a few chirping birds. Spring!! And then, summer!!

Tonight I'm sorting through old papers/receipts/bills (and then going to bed early...i know, you wish you were as cool as me). And at times like tonight it hits me how much can happen in a year. I think back to what my life looked like a year ago and what's transpired since then - I often have a hard time believing it's only been a year. Seriously. One year. Life moves at a warp speed. I don't know if it's that life is moving faster than I'm expecting, or if it's just that so much can happen. To some extent, it feels like decisions are that much more important now. A flip decision can dramatically impact life. Maybe there's the thought that I can't just continue to live life without a thought that what I do today will impact tomorrow. Will. I'm contemplative tonight in the absence of a better topic.

My madison visit was so much fun. :o) I can't get over the community that exists in that city. I miss that "smaller" town feel of a christian community. It's so easy to feel lost in a city like Minneapolis. Madison is nice. :o)

Okay. More sorting, some tea, and bed.

1 comment:

Mariah said...

Yes indeed Madison is nice. Translation - MOVE HERE! Teehee.

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