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Sunday, November 12, 2006


I was watching the saturday morning news on Kare 11 yesterday and they were talking about this news story they would be featuring during their Extra segment on the 10 o'clock news Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Apparently, the Ramsey County sherriff granted the news station complete access to first time DUI arrests. The Extra segment on Monday through Wednesday shows people taking the field sobriety test, blowing in the breathalizer, being arrested, and then their night in jail. The pieces they showed yesterday morning were really intense. The guy shown claimed to only have had two beers and passed the field test with no problem but then blew above the legal limit. They cuffed him.

So, tune in. It looks to be extremely interesting. They newscaster said that the interesting area were the people who couldn't do the field test to save their life and then blew under the legal limit...and the people who looked and acted stone-cold-sober but were twice the limit. I'm hoping to remember to record it.

(side note on the privacy issue that i first wondered about: apparently, because these individuals are being arrested on a public street, it's public information. And then, once in jail, you are not considered to have the right to privacy. Kare 11 said that there were some people who were extremely upset to be included in the segment and others who were very accomodating...I guess one guy even let them follow him around for the next several weeks as the effects of a DUI are more reaching than the initial arrest.)

What I saw yesterday (not even the full segment) reinforced my safety precautions to drive safe. Wow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised they were allowed to display their image on television other than their mugshot photo. Yes, it's true you can use public information (i.e. an individual's name and mug shot), but I doubt KARE 11 would be able to take video of the individuals as KARE 11 are considered a commercial outlet. I can imagine there will be a few lawsuits coming out of this for invasion of privacy and defamation of character. While a prisoner does not have a right to privacy while in detainment, that right to privacy only applies to search and seizures by government officials and prison guards (4th Amendment).

Hopefully they'll put some of it on YouTube. I'd like to see that.

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