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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Radical Secularism?

I'm on a prayer/praise distribution list at work and received an email last week requesting praise "that a name for a key force in opposition to people of any faith, especially Christian faith, has been identified: Radical Secularism" and prayer that "we would have true Godly and Biblical wisdom, individually and collectively, to share the Truth in love as a response". The email then referenced this "article",

I'm not really sure how I feel about this. This: The whole email including the praise/prayer request and the article. The website. Radical Secularism.

I was listening to KTIS, and only KTIS, for about three weeks straight this past month. It was tied with my whole "not drinking/evaluating who I am" thing in an attempt to focus completely and wholly on my faith. After about three days though, I was hit with the same thought I got a lot in crusade, or youth group, or the Christian bookstore workplace - is it propaganda? So many of the "news" stories centered on religious "stuff" - this school was banning the Ten Commandments, this teacher got suspended for praying at school, this church had a problem with one of it's pastor's, the war is a sign that the end times is coming, the fight in Israel lines up with this particular Bible passage, etc etc etc. For three weeks I thought the big news stories all had to do with faith/religion/church. The message was clear - our world is heading down the tubes.

So, what?
Is our Christian sub-culture that we've created to keep us in touch with God actually keeping us out of touch with where God wants us?
When we're so focused on the religious news (that yes, is important), are we missing the actual hot topics of our day that might be of more interest to those around us?
Are we focusing more on tomorrow than we are on today? The present?

We're called to not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow has enough worry of it's own, but to live in today.

So. Radical Secularism? C'mon people. Anybody remember Sodom and Gomorah?? We're talking angels getting hit on for random, one-night stand orgies. How often does anyone of us, or anyone you know, or anyone you work with, or anyone you've ever even ridden a bus with, visit a city and not be able to make it through the town square without an escort because there's a reality that if they're alone they'll be gang raped? How often? That was an every day reality in Sodom. So is our world getting worse? Are we really more sinful than we were at the beginning? NO. Sin is sin is sin. Maybe people are more creative now. Or maybe, we have this new thing called the internet, a relatively new thing called TV, and a little less new thing called radio that is calling our attention to the violence, the murders, the rapes, the realities of war and it SEEMS as though the world is getting worse.

Now you're asking what exactly my point is or my opinion or what the heck I'm trying to say. I guess I just get worried that we get so caught up in improving our Christian sub-culture, understanding of "how we're in the end times", and making sure that we label everything right (radical secularism, rampant oversexuality, growing sin rate, etc), that we miss the point. Yeah, it's important to know what our situation is. But people, it hasn't changed. We're called to love, not to judge. Live in the space you've been given. Love in the space you've been given. Radical secularism? Woop-de-doo. "They" put a name on what we're facing.

News flash: Radical secularism is just a fancy name for The World. Or, in keeping with our overly-dramatic sub-culture, the realm under rule of Satan.

Bottom line. I don't have anything against KTIS. Or Christian websites. Or Christian news programs. Etc. Etc. Etc. I just want us to use the same filter we're hopefully using on everything else in the world. There's a lot of news slant out there, and just because the organization is Christian, or religious, or claiming to be one of those, doesn't mean we should just swallow whatever they say without scrutiny. Just for irony, I'll pull in an end times reference and mention that we're supposed to be watching for wolves in sheep clothing. Too often, I don't see that happening. So, be diligent, do your duty: be a sieve, not a sponge.

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