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Friday, March 14, 2008

so many things

Notice: I'm looking to buy a dress form. If you know where I can get one for a reasonable price, that would be fantastic. I'm making a dress, and it the form of Rami, it has some I'd like to use the dress form. yay :o)

Also, I've realized why it bugs me SO much when I share information with people and they disregard it. It's because of my Input Strength. I collect information, I archive it, and then I use/share it at a later date. And I know what I'm talking about the majority of the time. So question me if you like, just don't pretend as though there aren't words coming out of my mouth. I might be governor someday.

In other news, I'm tired of being sick. This stupid cold can go away.

And finally, do I know someone who interned with the Twins or Wild? There's a girl I know who's looking for an "in"...send me your info!

happy friday - and happy st. patty's day. yay green! :o)

1 comment:

Jess(ica) said...

I just left a really long comment and it didn't go through. Now I'm sad, and too frustrated to write it all again. Stupid blogger.

Anyway, I'll repeat the short version: definitely get a dress form; they rock.

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