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Sunday, March 23, 2008

i have a dog

Well, I do for a week and a half at least. My parents took their first vacation together since married with kids. It's fun....but kind of a bit of work. And my house seems extra small with her around. I need a fenced in yard is the thought.

Ever had a few weeks where you feel out of sorts? That's me this week. I was watching Oprah's Big Give on ABC tonight, and I kept crying at the different ways people gave. Each contestent (not sure what they win) was given $100,000 and had 24 hours to give it away. They could give no more than $500 to an individual person, could only spend $10,000 per place, and could not give away cash. There were some really great ways they did it - but out of 8 (i think?) contestents, only one guy gave all $100,000 away. So yeah, tears. It was cool though.

And speaking of ABC, I think they're my new favorite network (besides bravo). After the big give, they have this show called The Newlyweds where these couples learn about each other and how to strenghten their relationship. It's actually a very positive show and puts a positive focus on marriage instead of most reality shows that bring in other people to see if a marriage is strong enough to withstand the temptation. So, yay ABC. I'm impressed.

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