Remember when we had to give our first 10 minutes speech in middle school? Mine was in 9th grade and I talked about the genocide in Rwanda. Tomorrow I have 10 minutes to present in a meeting at work and I can't figure out how to wittle all my material down to fit within that time. Sometimes it just hits me how much life changes.
My best friend from middle school gets married this saturday and it seems like just yesterday we were running to the park, playing in that huge field making daisy/dandelion chains, or sledding down that huge hill. How has 15 years flown so quickly?
I sometimes think it's funny how the littlest things can make a place seem like home. For some reason I can still have a bazillion boxes unpacked (yes, more than a year after I moved), but having my kitchen cabinets filled an arranged in a way that makes sense makes me feel like I actually live there.
The year of the yard is going well. I've mowed, fertilized, and with all this dry weather this week, started watering. Next up is killing the weeds and getting rid of those terrible ferns along the back of my house.
What else is new since the last time I posted - it's been awhile, eh? I'm sure I had some very interesting points I wanted to make...but I've forgotten them. Oh, what's up with the current generation's inability to clearly articulate themselves? They can't seem to open their mouths without mumbling! Hello! I can't understand a word you're saying!!
Oh, here was something. Heard a presentation that said that since 9/11 there's been an increased interest in spirituality and that's one of the reasons the environmental push is so big: Because people want to respect the earth and the "higher power" that made it. And yet, we're still not allowed to present intelligent design in the classroom? And then what about how this whole focus on more from the middle/upper class and that it's really not something that's even on the radar for the lower class (or so is theorized). But then, there's all that stuff in the news about how healthy supermarkets aren't accessable for that lower class - so how does that all tie together? This is the stuff i'm working on and thinking about. Any thoughts?
I'm a totaly spaz'd think i'm all hopped on sugar. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Hey Rebekah,
I haven't talked to you in while, hope all is well. Good luck with the yard.
I only have a few things to say. First, I'm all for intelligent design as long as it doesn't slip into the embarrassing realm of trying to deny evolution.
Second, as far as the focus on the upper/middle class (I think you meant in regards to the environment) the upper/middle class are privileged in this country. I know we talk a lot about being the land of opportunity, and it's true, but most poor people can't rise very far from where they were born due to circumstances beyond their control. The poor simply don't have the power or influence to affect systemic change, short of an uprising. So how is an environmental movement among the poor going to change a systemic issue like dealing with the environment? Especially when they can't possibly afford environmentally friendly products? The people in power have to change first. I guess it's like trickle-down environmentalism. (baffling why conservatives wouldn't be fired up for that) It follows then that the poor feel the effects of the decisions made by those with power, i.e. the upper/middle class. If we with power trash the earth then it will hurt the poor the most.
Third, it's true that healthier foods are not accessible to the poor. Take my neighborhood for example. The Wedge has very healthy, organic food but it is much more expensive than if I were to shop at Cub. The only exception I can think of is the farmer's market, which is pretty cheap but only lasts for a few weeks.
Finally, whenever the topic of the poor and oppressed comes up I can't help but think of all the stories in the OT, and of Jesus, that relate to the poor. I am troubled by my own personal lack of concern for the poor and even more so at the lack of this concern in the politics of some Christians. I hope that we who have power will choose to identify more and more with those who don't. I'm certainly glad that God does that on my behalf.
Enough of this funny busines Rebekah. If you don't call me in the next two weeks, so help me God if I don't start thinking about when I might consider debating when a good time to get upset will be.
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