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Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Had a dream this was weird.

I was with a few friends, and we'd gone to this cavern (dark, dreary, damp, and (obviously) undergroud) to pick up her husband. He was training to be a speed runner (like a skater, but no skates). We watched the last few laps as they sped around the "rink"...running as fast as they could. He skipped off a minute before the other three guys, and was standing next to his wife talking to her, when all of a sudden the other three guys' phones started ringing.

We all looked up, noticed it was 12pm, and looked at the three other guys at the same moment they looked at us. It clicked with us at the same moment they realized the ringing cell phones at 12pm gave them away - they were the noon-time killers. In that split second, we realized their call was to alert them of their next victim's time....and they rushed my friends husband and all used their hands to choke him against the stone wall.

And then I woke up.


Jess(ica) said...

Ok, I laughed at the "noon time killers." Of course, then they choked someone to death. So strange. I wonder what it means.

Bekah's Cloth Bums said...

i think it means "no more chocolate after 8pm!" :o)

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