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Tuesday, July 08, 2008

1. as i got ready this morning in my hotel, I wondered why there aren't any hotels that provide nice hair dryers, and normal size hair products (hairspray) for my use. Even the super nice hotels have the super crappy hair dryers. i mean seriously! there are enough of us "carry-on only" people who aren't carting our hair dryers and hairspray around. make us feel welcome and put some of it in our room. I won't steal it....and if you're that concerned, do a room check before people check out!! or make them get it from the front desk! seriously people.

2. now that gas is a bazillion dollars per gallon, there are more people bicycling to work. Which I think is great. however, these people feel like they can act like cars (which is legally what they're supposed to do) until they hit a red light/stop sign/inconvenient traffic signal, at which point they decide to act like a pedestrian. PEOPLE!! this is how accidents happen. AND tickets!! I'm going to call my city counsel and see if we can't mandate that all bikes must be licensed. this way i can call the cops on the bikes that run red lights. If jim had to register his canoe (!!)...then why the heck aren't bikes required to be registered. seriously.

3. 110 degrees is hot.

4. even if i eat a mini bag of chips, fruit, licorice, and drink a full bottle of water after a full lunch....tasting 12 different wines still is too much for me. yes, i am a lightweight.

5. i'm flying home tomorrow and so excited. except for the four hours on the plane. I do not have enough to do (or enough laptop battery, aurgh)

that is all for now. i'm going to bed, even though it's way early here.

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