Money saving ideas...Freezer cooking...Cloth diapering...Home decorating...and anything else that strikes my fancy!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


This looks like a cool website. It will probably help you waste time.

Something about choose your own adventure combined with that writing game you played in grade school (write a sentence of a story and pass it to the person next to you. they add to the story, fold the paper over so only their writing is visible, and pass to the next person. you end up with a pretty crazy story to read at the end).

so yeah. go.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Hey Rebekah! I just tagged you, check out my blog to see what I'm talking about!

Oh, and I was so happy to spend time chatting with you on New Year's Day! Hope things are grrrrreat with you...oh, wait, that's Kellogg =0)


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