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Monday, July 07, 2008


at the msp, hanging out, waiting for my plane.

this is a busy one - i happened to check-in early at the office, noticed i didn't have an assigned seat. i fear that means the flight is full. the packed waiting area pretty much confirms. woooo.

as i was going through the secret security check-in, a flight attendant butted into line (they're allowed to, i guess becuase it's their job or something)....and then proceeded to answer her phone and make everyone pick up their plastic buckets and bags on the conveyor belt and go around her through the check-point. I did a lot of rolling of the eyes and she said, "some things just can't be helped!" To which I didn't have time to respond that as a flight attendant she should know how these checkpoints work...and it would be more considerate to take her two things off the conveyor than to have all of us pick up our many items (i had 4 - laptop out of the bag, laptop bag, suitcase, tub with shoes) and move them around her. How inconsiderate! I just couldn't believe it. (just saw all of our pilots/attendants board....she's not in the bunch...whew)

(in other news, i wonder if people read this over my shoulder when i type at the airport.)
almost time to board, later gators!

ps - the cnn is talking about the tomato recall....and how it might not've been tomatoes. shocking...let's go back to the totino's pizza recall and how they never found anything there either. maybe jim is right that we just need to figure out how to overcome the issue instead of just react to it. hmmmm.

the list so far...right?
.fresh tomatoes

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